Friends of Maghull and District CIC

About Frank Sharp

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So far Frank Sharp has created 484 blog entries.

Huge Boost for Maghull and Lydiate’s Environment with 2,420+ Climate Action Trees: can you help with some community planting?

2024-12-07T21:23:46+00:007th December , 2024|

The Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) have planted 16,000 trees in Maghull since 2021, in parks, schools, roads and are now delighted to have secured woodland and hedge trees for St Gregory’s Primary School (1,370) and Rowlands Dell (1050). Following the successful application the trees will be delivered at staggered intervals between January and

‘Yew’ Won’t Believe Maghull’s Early Christmas Present: can ‘yew’ help?

2024-12-11T13:21:18+00:007th December , 2024|

The Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) have successfully applied for over £2000 worth of 225 yew trees for Maghull’s green restoration at Rowlands Dell, following a rigorous and competitive application process, through the national organisation – The Tree Council, which also included some complimentary feedback about the important social value and the well-developed choice

Stunning New Dry Waterfall Rockery, Using Recycled Materials, at Maghull’s Green Centre Restoration: can you help?

2024-12-10T21:22:20+00:004th December , 2024|

The stunning newly installed recycled Dry Waterfall Rockery, next to the viewing/picnic area is enhancing the reflective space overlooking the ongoing green centre transformation being undertaken at Rowlands Dell NHS health and wellness woodland (next to the Westway Medical Centre). The rockery is part of several features representing one of Maghull’s largest green grant investments

Expert Community Support By Maghull Business At Green Centre Transformation: Can You Help?

2024-12-06T21:46:20+00:004th December , 2024|

Sarah Pollard and her son Tom (Local Saxon Tree Services) for the second time in two months and on many other occasions throughout the year generously responded for free to the Friends of Maghull and District (FOMD) call out for support to tame a perimeter ivy hedge at the Rowlands Dell community project (adjacent to the Hare &

Massive Tree Planting Programme in Maghull/Lydiate Needs Your Support: Combating Climate Change & Supporting Biodiversity.

2024-12-03T21:00:08+00:003rd December , 2024|

1,370 Trees for Maghull & Lydiate and More to Come!! The Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) have planted 16,000 trees since 2021 in parks, schools, roads and are now delighted to have secured 1,370 woodland and hedge trees for St Gregory’s Primary School. The successful tree application builds on similar recent tree planting at

Treasure Found In Maghull!

2024-12-04T20:15:52+00:003rd December , 2024|

The Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) during their ongoing beautiful green restoration of Rowlands Dell (adjacent to the Hare and Hounds Pub), have with the NHS landowner partners created many treasured features but we were delighted to be part of a hidden treasure find. Maghull’s fantastic Nannapat Thia Restaurant secretly videoed a close-up of

A Feast for the Eyes at Maghull’s New Beauty Spot Viewing Area: Can You Help?

2024-12-03T00:37:02+00:003rd December , 2024|

The newly installed block paved viewing area, resplendent with three benches and a bin provides a reflective space overlooking the ongoing green centre transformation being undertaken at Rowlands Dell NHS health and wellness woodland. The viewing area is part of several features representing one of Maghull’s largest green grant investments gratefully obtained by FOMD’s NHS

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