Do sunny days get any better in our kind community?
The Friends of Maghull & District’s (FOMD) beautiful 50×4 m Woodend community woodland themed border (Bobby’s Wood) has been trying to transform itself into a jungle lately! Consequently, we are hoping to use our one-hour initiative on a daily basis until we can clear all the weeds.
- On Saturday, John and I were surprisingly and gratefully joined by the new council leader (Chloe Parker) and her husband (Gary – a local professional gardener) no less! We were very grateful to both of them as their time must be very precious with being – the parents of two children, a full-time teacher and council leader! In the one hour we were able to clear the rockery resulting in two huge full agricultural bags which Gary took to the recycling centre. With huge thanks.
- It was also really heartening to see the new coronation picnic table and thrones being used so many times. Malcolm a cyclist from Netherton was reading his newspaper there and regularly visits with his grand daughter, he was very complimentary and gave a £5 donation.
- Later someone also gave a £20 donation.
- Whilst many other kind people stopped to say thanks.
- Ian Makinson (the neighbouring Bumbles children’s nursery owner) popped over to amazingly announce that his nursery are organising sponsored litter picking events with the children – with half the proceeds going towards a defibrillator and the other half being given to FOMD’s Woodend Project.
- On Sunday, I was able to spend another one hour to fill two more agricultural bags and received a wonderful offer from Dave (a local resident and regular user of the park) who kindly offered to help remove the weeds outside our one-hour initiatives.
Do sunny days get any better in our kind community?
Should anyone else like to help outside the planned sessions, you are very welcome and if you can focus on removing just the: brambles, nettles, ground elder and old Bluebell leaves. Everything else will most likely be one of the 500 community donated plants, most of which are being hidden by the weeds currently. We are also not removing the cow parsley, as this is quite a feature in its own way.
For more information about our planned daily one hour tidy up sessions at Woodend please follow this link:
If you would simply like further information, volunteer or donate, then please visit:
Huge Thanks to One and All,
Making Maghull A Better Place to Live.
#fomdcic #Maghull #environment

4.6.23 two more bags

3.6.23 The rockery jungle before the tidy up

3.4.23 the rockery after the tidy up

3.6.23 3.6.23 Chloe and John with the rockery afterwards

January 2021 the donated rockery from Lenton and McCombe car showroom, just taking shape, whilst the border and path have not been installed yet.