This month, the Friends of Maghull & District (FOMD) have been focusing on our ongoing ‘One Hour open invitation initiative’, to work Together to Make Maghull a Better Place’, by weeding a huge border we created at the Woodend Community Woodland Project.
Unfortunately, many of our regular FOMD team were unable to make today (23.6.23), but to our surprise and immense gratitude Joanne and I were joined by new Cllr’s Matthew Locke and Chris Purcell and later on some moral support from the ex-mayor of Sefton – Cllr Claire Carragher who called in when passing. We filled another two large agricultural bags in the one-hour making a grand total of 17 this month!
We also received some lovely news from the neighbouring Bumbles children’s nursery, who have amazingly raised several hundred pounds to be shared between our Woodend project and the maintenance of their defibrillator, following a period sponsored litter picking. The MTC maintenance team continue to do fantastic work in this area and have recently cut the grass, shaped our new perimeter wildlife friendly hedge and have promised to spot weed our crowd funded Cotswold path alongside some persistent border weeds, and backfill the picnic area with grass seeds and soil.
This month is the first time this year we have been able to weed this area as we have been waiting for the thousands of daffodils and bluebells to die down, which has given the ground elder (nettles and brambles now removed) a foothold, more than we would wish for even a woodland themed border and will give the hundreds of newly donated plants a chance to flourish!
If you can spare just one hour to drop in, the FOMD would love to see you on Sunday (25.6.23) between 0930 and 1030 hrs, and when we will continue the one-hour sessions until we clear the weeds from a huge, beautiful border at our Woodend Community Woodland Project (Bobby’s Wood) on the junction of Liverpool Road South and Northway L31 7BG. There is no commitment, you can do as long or as little as you wish, but you will really help to make a big difference.
Please bring secateurs, gloves, large and small garden forks, and confirm times at
Many thanks and please spread the word to anyone who might be interested.
#fomdcic #maghull #environment
Another Way of Urgently Helping.
If you can’t help with weeding in the future but live local, please please consider adopting one or more of our new trees by watering it on a regular basis during this drought period. Simply get in touch, and tell us how many trees you can water, we will then identify your tree/s with a washing peg with your name written on it, as a couple of locals have kindly started doing this week. Contact: or phone 07507759813

Final part of the border that needs weeding, at long last.

Picture showing the bug hotel, where we hope to create a wildflower area, with a path to its rear, which we hope to signpost – Bumbles Nature Corner.

Many thanks to Matthew, Joanne, Claire, and Chris for their fantastic support today to help make Maghull a better place.